✎ 不开心就去吹吹晚风吧,风会带走你的烦恼。
If you are unhappy, blow the night breeze, and the wind will take away your troubles.
✎ 爱是真的,但是没有回应的话,那就算了。
Love is true, but if there is no response, forget it.
✎ 可我就是死鸭子嘴硬,越难受讲话越难听。
But I am a dead duck with a hard mouth. The more uncomfortable I am, the worse my speech is.
✎ 自己开心就好了,何必在意其他人怎么想,他们又不是你。
Just be happy. Why care what other people think? They are not you.
✎ 没有永远的爱情,谁都逃不过新鲜感,谁都逃不过。
Without eternal love, no one can escape the novelty, and no one can escape.
✎ 但凡我狠心一点,在夜里哭的就不会是我了。
But if I were cruel, I wouldn't be crying at night.
✎ 别主动,他不是爱情。
Don't take the initiative. He's not in love.